Friday, September 5, 2008

And here is the rest of it. giddy up!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just Kidding..

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So it may seem this blog is only about cupcakes right about now, but its not. Seriously. At least not right now because those lemon angel food cakes just freaking sucked. That picture above is what I aspired my cupcakes to be but they were actually nothing like. However I actually have that same exact ceramic rose pan that the cupcakes are sitting on and I think that is really funny because I inherited that from my mamma when I moved out and she has had it for ever as long as I can remember, and so does this random person. Anyway back to the shitcakes...

I don't know what went wrong, probably this fucking high altitude but they didn't rise much and they just weren't good, I hate them and I am pissed. But now I am over it I guess. As long as my next baking quest comes out perfect. Which will be lemon cupcakes (again with the cupcakes I know). But they better be awesome or I am going to give up all together on everything.

You see the angel food cake just really hurt my feeling because angel food cake is like my favorite thing ever, and I have never made my own. Yes, that right there is probably why it sucked so bad, but now I am afraid to ever try it again. But as a learning baker I have to learn to accept this failure and this was definately one big fucking failure. However afterwards I made some chocolate whipped cream with the cream I was saving for the frosting for what I will now refer to as dark angel food cakes of doom, that was awesome. I had it on raspberries and it made me want to shove my face in the whole bowl and kind just shake my head, which is a lovely image I know.

But as I was saying this blog is not just about cupcakes! It is also about all of the things I buy offline to medicate my cupcake sorrow after a really bad recipe. And I bought a lot of stuff that I can not wait to show you! A lot of really cute stuff. I am expecting three packages in the mail! That is how depressed I was, I hope it comes soon I really need a pick me up.

I leave you with this:

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deal with it.
giddy up!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hello cupcakes I don't really like too much...

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Yeah, these are beautiful but I don't really like them. I don't really like them because they have cream cheese frosting and I only like that shit on carrot cake. But they weren't for me so I'll just shut up about not liking them.

These guys are chocolate chip cheesecupcakes. I made them special for my friend Jess' quitting work party and I was told that they must have cream cheese frosting so there you go. And then I colored them pink because she is a girl and a girly one at that.

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This is also my very first experience with a pastry bag becuase I am new at this but I think I did a wonderful job! They look like cute little ice cream cones and I had so much fun making them because they turned out well and I was way too proud of myself and made everyone I know eat them. I also made a few with buttercream frosting because I ran out of cream cheese and that made these cheesecupcakes way rich but still delicious.

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So yeah look what I can do! oh except right now I am attempting to make lemon angel food cupcakes and they aren't going to well so far. Already trashed the whole first batch because they looked so sad. So we'll see. I shouldn't get all up on myself quite yet I guess. Fucking high altitude!
giddy up!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


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I did it! I have been thinking about it night and day, and now it has finally happened. Everyone, meet the Pankunchi cake... The mission of the Pankunchi cupcake began because I love Pankunchi and I definately love cupcakes. First I was thinking about making a panda cupcake, because I love pandas but then one day as I was sitting online watching pankunchi cartoon after pankunchi cartoon on the japanese pankunchi website I realized how easy and absoultely adorable it would be to make a Pankunchi cupcake! So the seed was planted.

The next day I went to the grocery store and picked me up some good ol fashioned cake mix. Yes that is right I bake my cupcakes with cake mix. Why? Because I am broke and it is less money to buy a 2 dollar cake mix than all of the seperate ingredients. I also bought frosting, I did this because I do not have a hand mixer and any recipe I have seen for frosting seems to need one of those. I then bought some peppermint patties and some m&ms too. Then I took my treasures home.

Then later that night at about 11 I began the cupcaking. I filled the first back too full because I am a total amatuer so those turned into sprinkle cakes: Meet sprinkle cakes:
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Aren't they beautiful! I also made these first because the buttercream frosting in a jar was too yellow for Pankunchi so I used it all on these guys. I like this one the best:
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A sparkly green snowball.

I was very pleased with my sprinkle cakes, but they are no Pankunchis. I decided to make the Pankunchis the next day because by this point it was 12:30 and I wanted to sleep.

The next day I went back to the store and purchased white frosting and as soon as I got home I began cupcaking again. I made cut outs in 24 little peppermint patties for his ears, and picked out all of the brown m&ms for his eyes and had a tube of black frosting to make his nose and mouth. So I began assembling my friends. Look at all of my babies!
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AWWWWW I am absolutely thrilled with myself! I can't stop looking at them. In fact I want to cuddle with them. But instead I ate one and they were yummy. Here he is right before he went in my mouth.
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I feel like I did a really good job with all of these cupcakes! They are delicious and cute. Mission accomplished. I am so proud!
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giddy up!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

dreaming of you...

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So approximately 2 weeks ago I took my first trip to New York City. I know that there are a lot of things to do out there and tons of history, but for me it was all about cupcakes! The cupcakes you see above are from the famous Magnolia bake shop. And they were everything I ever expected them to be. Sigh, my mouth waters just thinking about the way the buttercream frosting melted in my mouth, and the explosion of flavor that was the cake. I pretty much ate one of every kind of cupcake that they offered since I drug my family there twice. But my favorite was the classic vanilla vanilla cupcake. I have read some reviews about Magnolia not being all it's cracked up to be, but I think those people just want to be rebels. Not one of the cupcakes I had from there were dry and the frosting was never too sweet. They go through cupcakes so fast that they are always super fresh too. Plus, look how cute they all are!
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aww look at all of those cake babies! Also they provide entertainment! CUPCAKE DANCERS! I seriously nearly peed myself on our first visit as we were waiting in line and suddenly I saw this coming towards me:
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Oh Magnolia you do your job so well. Tomorrow I am going to make Pankunchi cupcakes, I can only hope that they will be a fraction of the deliciousness of Magnolia's crack cakes.
giddy up!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


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Cute panda, kitty, cute blood, zombie, cupcake, cute quesadilla...
these are a few of my favorite things. I love drawing sriracha faces on my lunches. Especially on yummy quesadillas. I should be studying to take a quiz for an online class, or cleaning my tornado of an apartment before mum and dad come to visit tomorrow. But instead I have become distracted by torty, my lunch friend.
Wake up early with tons of things on my mind, only to get home and screw around on the computer forever and think about all of the things I should be doing, while still not doing them. Oh well some days just weren't meant for doing. I did enjoy a lovely walk this morning and had a delicious latte from metropolitan this morning. Welcome to my cute life! Oh and yes, my very first post ever is about a smiling quesadilla, imagine the excitement to come!

giddy up!